Mommy Makeovers: Restoring Confidence After Pregnancy

Mommy Makeovers: Restoring Confidence after Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, your body will undergo tremendous changes. Some of these changes go away when you are no longer pregnant. Other changes, including abdominal and breast sagging, might require a little help. That’s what a mommy makeover is all about. Dr. Leo Urbinelli at PNW Plastic Surgery in Portland, OR, offers comprehensive plastic surgery options, including a mommy makeover, to help you regain your pre-baby body.

What You Need To Know About a Mommy Makeover

A mommy makeover is a combination of surgical procedures performed at the same time to help return you to your pre-baby shape. You might want or need a mommy makeover, especially if you have gone through more than one pregnancy. A mommy makeover can:

  • Firm up troublesome areas, including your waist, abdomen, and breasts
  • Restore a more defined waist and a more pleasing shape
  • Enhance your appearance, self-esteem, and self-confidence

A mommy makeover begins with a consultation with your plastic surgeon. During your consultation, it’s important for you to be honest about the changes you want to make to your appearance. Your plastic surgeon can recommend several procedures for you to pick and choose from to help you get the best results. Mommy makeover procedures include:

  • A breast lift, augmentation, or reduction to lift sagging breasts and to make breasts appear firmer and more youthful
  • A tummy tuck is used to remove excess fat and skin on the abdomen, tightening sagging skin
  • Liposuction, to remove excess fat in the abdomen, waist, back, and buttocks
  • Labiaplasty, to tighten and recontour labial tissue that has been stretched due to childbirth

A mommy makeover is a major surgery, so it’s important to plan on plenty of rest for the next several weeks after your procedure. Swelling and bruising are common. Your plastic surgeon will prescribe pain and anti-inflammatory medication for the first few days after surgery. You will visit your plastic surgeon regularly to monitor your healing.

Want To Know More?

To learn more about how a mommy makeover can restore your confidence after pregnancy, call Dr. Urbinelli at PNW Plastic Surgery in Portland, OR. You can reach him in the office by calling (503) 208-2348, so call today.

Mommy Makeovers: Restoring Confidence after Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, your body will undergo tremendous changes. Some of these changes go away when you are no longer pregnant. Other changes, including abdominal and breast sagging, might require a little help. That’s what a mommy makeover is all about. Dr. Leo Urbinelli at PNW Plastic Surgery in Portland, OR, offers comprehensive plastic surgery options, including a mommy makeover, to help you regain your pre-baby body.

What You Need To Know About a Mommy Makeover

A mommy makeover is a combination of surgical procedures performed at the same time to help return you to your pre-baby shape. You might want or need a mommy makeover, especially if you have gone through more than one pregnancy. A mommy makeover can:

  • Firm up troublesome areas, including your waist, abdomen, and breasts
  • Restore a more defined waist and a more pleasing shape
  • Enhance your appearance, self-esteem, and self-confidence

A mommy makeover begins with a consultation with your plastic surgeon. During your consultation, it’s important for you to be honest about the changes you want to make to your appearance. Your plastic surgeon can recommend several procedures for you to pick and choose from to help you get the best results. Mommy makeover procedures include:

  • A breast lift, augmentation, or reduction to lift sagging breasts and to make breasts appear firmer and more youthful
  • A tummy tuck is used to remove excess fat and skin on the abdomen, tightening sagging skin
  • Liposuction, to remove excess fat in the abdomen, waist, back, and buttocks
  • Labiaplasty, to tighten and recontour labial tissue that has been stretched due to childbirth

A mommy makeover is a major surgery, so it’s important to plan on plenty of rest for the next several weeks after your procedure. Swelling and bruising are common. Your plastic surgeon will prescribe pain and anti-inflammatory medication for the first few days after surgery. You will visit your plastic surgeon regularly to monitor your healing.

Want To Know More?

To learn more about how a mommy makeover can restore your confidence after pregnancy, call Dr. Urbinelli at PNW Plastic Surgery in Portland, OR. You can reach him in the office by calling (503) 208-2348, so call today.

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