Sophie Schlabowske


Sophie Schlabowske, CMA

Clinical Lead at PNW Plastic Surgery

As the Clinical Lead, Sophie is dedicated to providing a positive and well-informed experience to every patient at PNW Plastic Surgery. From your initial consultation with Dr. Urbinelli, Sophie will be your advocate and point of contact and can answer all questions pertaining to the procedure(s) in which you are interested. 

With a clinical background in plastic surgery and pediatrics, Sophie can provide knowledge and education to help you feel comfortable through all aspects of the surgical experience. Sophie will be there to answer any questions you may have before and after your procedure, ensuring that your experience at PNW Plastic Surgery is stress‐free and nothing short of amazing.

In her spare time, Sophie enjoys spending time with her daughter, walking dogs, exploring new restaurants, and shopping at vintage boutiques.  Sophie is an avid reader, she listens to podcasts, and she loves living in the PNW.

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